Join The Club

 Interested In Joining The Club?

  • Have you been out of a work for a while and not sure where to start looking for a new job?
  • Are you tired of applying for jobs and not getting anywhere?
  • Do your computer skills need updating?
  • Is your CV out-of-date and in need of a make-over?
  • Does the idea of going to an interview fill you with dread?

Whatever the reason for finding yourself on our site, how about dropping us an email or calling in to The Hope Job Club on a Friday afternoon, to see how we can help?

Membership Application Form

“ The Job Club volunteer was perfect for me. She understood my concerns and anxiety and was immensely supportive and kind. I suffer from anxiety and have had terrible experiences in previous jobs with regard to work conditions and the way I was treated, so was very fearful of being forced into another unsuitable job. Through word of mouth I got a great job, the Job Club volunteer was adamant that I should get the right job for me. I'm very grateful to her ”

``My experience of applying for work in West Sussex has been a roller-coaster of emotions. Without a 'precis-ed' CV, I have been unable to secure the work befitting my experience. When I heard about The Hope Job Club, I believed this would be the opportunity I have been seeking, and have not been disappointed. They have been extremely professional, timeous with their responses and always encouraging, when work opportunities have presented themselves. I secured a temporary job whilst at the Club but am fully expectant of a full-time position``

“ I would like to say a big thank you to The Hope Job Club. From the moment I stepped in, I was taken care of, they provided assistance for my special need. Get your can-do skills under your belt and The Job Club will help you. You need to take the first step but they will be there for you. It is a local group, walking distance from the town centre, local people looking to find local jobs for other local people ”

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.